
Thursday, November 4, 2010


Any relationship?
I do not know, only God knows, but everything good comes with a price tag on it. 
To the pessimistic, the journey seems over, life becomes hopeless and miserable.  Defeat and loss dominate his confession and no vestige of success appears anywhere.  The mountain seems to big, circumstances insurmountable.

To the optimistic, the possibility of loss is not ruled out in totality.  There could be even frustrations along the way, some of which could drive him to self pity, which could result to unwise decisions.  But the journey is not over, and as hope abides, joy builds and beckons.  Pain is taken as a necessary recipe of the successes that are to follow.

Success is not an event, nor is it a function.  The journey to your success could involve pain, but you should look beyond that pain to the outcome, to the greater purpose.  The pain is not the ultimate, nor is it the destiny but a means.  When your eyes are focused on the pain, you loose sense of its wider meaning and see yourself as an object of oppression.  Every pain has a purpose in your life.  Life does not afford us the opportunity to pay what we like and get what we want.  Hannah’s pain drove her to making a vow before God that she would give Samuel back to God.  In this turn of events, considering how needful this was to Israel, we came to grips with the purpose for the pain she went through.  Every trial will bring about triumph, and the gains that follow will make the suffering seem a trivial price to pay.  No suffering is meaningless for you, but is purposed to drive you to the arms of God.  In your pain, look forward unwaveringly to:-

  •         The gain of having gone through gall.
  •         The pleasure of having persevered the pain to perfection.
  •          The crown of having conquered challenges and calamities.
  •          The memory of mourning and mountains long moved.
  •           The honor of having had a healthy hope.
  •            The glory of having gone through gloom and gall.
  •             The song of having survived storms and surprises, and more so the joy of being justified by Jesus Chris who, for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising its shame, and is now seated at the right hand of God the father.

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